Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Awwww, my first blog. How cute!

Well, here's my first post. What do you think so far?

The idea for this blog is to keep track of my experiences and thoughts as I attend school to become an RN (get it? "murse?" "Male nurse?" get it???). Along the way I'll probably talk about a lot of other, completely unrelated topics. I have a pretty wide range of interests and the attention span of a caffeinated chipmunk, so I may cover a lot of ground.

On the other, more pessimistic, hand, I've never been too good at writing discipline. I've tried keeping journals etc on a number of occasions, but haven't ever gotten very far with it. We'll see how well I do with this...


elan said...

Hooray! Blogs are great!

You keep posting 'em, I'll keep reading em.

Chuck said...

Try harder, slacker!

Unknown said...

Caffeinated chipmunks are awesome.

mizverde said...

Way to carry the ever-important voice of the mursing community!

Jeremy Morgan said...

I can definitely relate to the "caffienated chipmunk" thing as well. I will subscribe to your newsletter sir.

carlosorjp said...

I think this is a worthy project, Jason, and you can bet I'll be "tuning in" as often as I can. Blogging is unique in that you are sharing your private thoughts publicly. I have never quite figured out what to put into my own, but, as you say you will in your Blog, I tend to jump from one theme to another. At least you started with a central theme, i.e., mursing. Very nice! Catchy. Until next time, then...